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Mom! Let’s play Moana! You be Moana’s Mom!

Is she dead or does she die?


Okay I’m in.

Q is for the Queen.

Fairy tales, Disney and the Princess Industrial Complex ensure that the whole concept of royalty is understood – at least on some level – pretty early on in childhood.

Princess play happens regularly.

And as mom? I get to be Queen.

I generally feel in Disney play this is a pretty tricky role, what with most of them being absent or evil.

But a quick Google search proves me somewhat wrong:

So yes, after this refresher, I am reminded of some Disney Queens other than Elsa and the Evil ones that, well, are not only alive but actually have speaking roles.

Bring on Miranda (starting about 54 seconds into this video once the princess has had a good solo) from Sofia the First!

And now that I’m thinking about it I’m also pretty fond of Clarisse Renaldi because, really, who doesn’t love Julie Andrews?

From the Princess Diaries

But if you are wondering who some of those other Queenly ladies are (because looking into a few of them shows many to be minor characters), here is a helpful wiki feature on Queens where you can click on each of them to find out more.

And regardless of all that, their role in Disney is basically in supporting the main character: The Princess!

Given this, there is little surprise that my daughters failed to appreciate the power dynamic between Princess and Queen.

So it came as a bit of a shock when I first explained that the Queen ruled. Not the princesses.

And how did I prove my point?

I explained that Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses were real, and Canada has a Queen who has been happily ruling for years.

That brought us over to YouTube where I found this video that my 7-year-old found fascinating and my 4-year-old managed to sit through:

We then had a side bar about real princesses and my eldest was captivated by stories of Princess Diana and the fact that there is a current prince and princess with young children!

But then we got back on point.

Which is that, as far as royalty goes, it’s really all about whoever is wearing the crown. In this case? The Queen.

As an aside, this video brought on a week of my kids drawing pictures in black and white of older relatives including, my great-aunt Eileen who we met back at letter G for Girl Guides. This was after another lengthy sidebar about how picture and video, once upon a time, didn’t have colour.

And then I found this wonderful montage to quickly show just how long she’s been the focus:

On a related note, I have to say that I love this montage for another reason. Last month we celebrated International Day of the Woman and this image went around the Internet:

At first I couldn’t figure out why it bothered me.

Then I realized it was because it made it look like most of a woman’s life happens in the lead up to kids.

Aside from its presumption that your goal in life is to have kids, after that, rather like in a Disney movie (or as I learnt via an essay I did in Grad school, much traditional French Canadian literature), life appears to be kind of … done with nothing much more to see there.

Considering I’ve already checked that box and feel like I have quite a bit left to go, when I found this montage which really showed such a long and full life all I could do was fist pump in the air and shout:

Long Live the Queen!