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So the last two weeks have been rough.

Currently, my eldest has been sick with strep throat for the past four days.

And I woke up with a sore throat this morning; and my youngest is starting to cough like she has a pack a day habit; so we’re both off to the clinic in about 45 minutes!

But laughter’s the best medicine, right?

By this stage, we’ll pretty much try anything.  So I give you our:

Top Five Laughs of the (last two) Week(s)


Number 5

  • I was entering the parking lot at the gym with my two girls last Saturday morning and spotted a parking spot near the front.  I started driving towards it when someone beat me to it.  Now, he SAW me heading for it and took it anyway – despite the fact that he was a single late 20ish guy, and I was a mom with two young kids.  I was annoyed – but my 4-year-old summed it up best.  “That man’s a HOLE mommy!  A HOLE!  Right.  From the mouths of babes, people.  She might as well be the oracle.  But so glad she glossed over the first three letters in the word.  We had a chat about appropriate language (as we walked past the “hole” who was chatting with his friend, who also drove to the gym – because apparently carpooling doesn’t let you both show off your TWO AWESOME sports cars – both parked in prime spots near the door) and I’ll continue to try to do a better job at curbing the potty mouth around the next generation.

Number 4

  • I was having a bit of a rough day a week ago Monday (you can read about that HERE if you are so inclined) and was in a bit of a … mood … as I was driving my girls home from daycare.  Suddenly, from the back seat my eldest informed me that “Mommy, my bum is dancing.”  It lightened the mood.

Number 3

  • Last week, my eldest asked me what I find funny.  I told her I like it when she’s silly – like when she tells me her bum is dancing.  And then I told her that I liked jokes.  She now runs up to me every now and then and says “JOKE!”  and waits for me to laugh.

Number 2

  • So, I was a pumping mommy with both my daughters.  They got breast milk, but through an intermediary.  By way of quick background my eldest had crazy latching issues, and, after 3 lactation consultants and 3 weeks of insane effort with her, I gave up and just pumped.  When number two came around, I gave breastfeeding such a half-assed attempt that I’d already decided I’d just pump by the time I left the hospital.  That said, both my daughters got a good 9-10 months each of breast milk.  Let’s just say, supply wasn’t the issue.  And the pump, for me, became a bit like smoking for my husband.  Every time I just didn’t want to deal with something, I announced it was time to pump and got to disappear for 20 minutes.  Really, I’m a bit unclear why I ever stopped.  That said, it obviously had a lasting impression on my 4-year-old.  We were hanging out last week when she came up to me with a mesh bath toy holder from the bathroom.  It’s a netted bag with two suction cup holders which hold it to the wall.  She held it up to me and informed me she was going to use it to pump her boobies.  Given she also informs me a few times a week that she “has a baby in her tummy” and then proceeds to give birth, it’s good she’s taking responsibility and all.
My eldest - figuring out from an early age where the food comes from.  Early 2010.

My eldest – figuring out from an early age where the food comes from. Early 2010.

Number 1

  • I was at Toys ‘R’ Us last weekend (joy!) to buy Christmas presents for my daughters.  Given it was bad THEN, I can only imagine what it will be like in the next few weeks.  Anyway, I’m cruising the aisles and pass two staffers restocking the shelves.  One is complaining to the other and says, “I’d love this job if it wasn’t for the clientele!”  Her co-worker saw I overheard and just kind of looked at me, I smiled and gave her a thumbs up while winking.  I can imagine some of us parents can be pretty awful ’round Christmas.  Heck! Given the crowds, Toys’ R’ Us in December is nowhere near the happiest place on earth.  But the total bah! humbug! lack of filter/inside voice just made my day.